
Treatment Options

A wart is a fleshy growth on the skin caused by infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). A verruca is another name for a type of wart (plantar warts) that is usually found on the soles of the feet. About one in ten people have warts at any one time and nearly everyone has at least one wart at some point in their lives. The virus is more prevalent among children and adolescents.  Although warts can be unsightly and embarrassing for people who have them, the common type of wart generally causes no harm and most will eventually disappear by themselves within six months to two years.

Wart Treatment 

1064 Nd: Yag laser treatment of warts or verrucae is an effective alternative to traditional treatments and is particularly suitable for large or widespread warts or verrucae that have failed to respond to traditional treatments (freezing and acid treatments). The Nd: YAG targets the dilated blood vessels at the base of the wart as well as effectively destroying the virus and disinfecting the surrounding tissue.

Number of Treatments: 1 to 4


Procedure Length: 15 to 30 Minutes

Maintenance: None

Down Time: None

Discomfort: Mild

Prices starting at $200.00

Trust Dr. Nightingale with all of your aesthetic dermatology needs!

Offering the most up-to-date treatments in aesthetic dermatology at competitive prices. Call us for a consultation and discover what we can do for you. 

Photodynamic Therapy


248 State Street, # 3A
Ellsworth, ME 04605

Toll-free:  (844) 800-2919


16 Railroad Street
Essex Jct, Vermont 05452
